We all have cell phones. We all know we can do a lot of stuff with it: text each other on Whatsapp, take and share pics & videos, scroll through our Facebook timelines, answer quickly to an email, you can even call with it... There are so many features, so many apps, such an incredible world that simply opens up if you own a smart phone.

Now, my world had been a bit small in the last year. One year ago my amazing HTC died and I got an iPhone I didn't like (well, I borrowed it from my brother, my personal IT guy), so I asked him which Android smart phone he'd recommend for as few euros as possible, and he recommended me the Huawei Ascend something. The thing was the most troubled cell phone I've ever seen. It made me long for those days in which a simple Nokia 3310 was the hottest gadget to have and Snake was the most amazing game in the world. They always worked and my cell always did not do anything at all (it took me on average 20 minutes to send a text to someone. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point).
So, now that I have a new cell phone (a Lenovo, it's simply amazing), I finally USE it again. Let me present you my 7 favourite apps - part 1:
7. Wordreference
A forum (and basically a dictionary) which is super handy ALWAYS. It has a quite some languages, of course English and Spanish, but also e.g. Korean, Turkish, Arabic, and Czech! I am a big fan of the
website, but the app is really a dream come true, as now I can look up words, conjugations, definitions,and consult the forum wherever I am! The only thing you need is a charged smart phone and internet!
6. Pinterest

In the last couple of weeks I start to use more and more social media, and not in the way I used to anymore. It's a source of inspiration, a way to exchange information, and connect with like minded people (I'm also a big fan of
Twitter for this!). However, one of my most recent discoveries is
Pinterest. My mom already told me ages ago (so I have a profile for quite some time), but I guess I simply wasn't paying enough attention to my hobbies anymore to be able to enjoy Pinterest. The thing is: now I am. Hobbies are important to stay sane and so when I wake up, when I feel a bit down, when I feel like I'm lacking inspiration, I open up my Pinterest app and a whole world opens up. I collect recipes, scrapbook ideas, I found the idea for a bullet journal (I'll save this for another post :P), and even some ideas for blogging. The app is really comfortable to use, it works exactly the same as the website, which makes it super accessible (and decreases the necessity of using the website, which I very rarely do).
5. Currency
This may sound like the stupidest thing in the world, but actually it is the most useful thing! Whether you're buying something online from a store in some other country, just curious about current exchange rates, or travelling: it is one of the handiest apps on my cell phone. I don't use it on a daily basis, because I don't need it on a daily basis. I live in the Netherlands, which has Euros, and even though I travel a lot, most of those countries have Euros. However, soon I will go to Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and the UK, and they all don't have Euros, so... you know it. And the good thing is: it works when you're off line as well! Picture me buying my super pricey lunch in Denmark, then at least I am able to know exactly how pricey it is! (and of course I can make the conscious choice not to use it :P)
4. Google Maps
Okay, you all know this app, but it has some really nice features. Not only can it give you directions, tell you which bus you should take and that kind of stuff, it can still point you on the map when you are off line! It GPSes along with you, and that's just so useful! Google Maps really saved my ass a couple of times already from getting totally lost and walking in the wrong direction ;) (and believe me, if there's anyone who lacks sense of direction...
Curious which ones are in my ultimate top 3? Read about it tomorrow! :D