When I was younger, my father used to tell me that dreams weren't real. They don't show you what you need to do or whatever you believe they do. They only send you a message. I know that I asked him quite often 'then what is the message?', and like wise men do he said 'that is up to you to decide. Nobody can tell you what your dream means, it means what you feel it means'.
I have always believed that he was right. Always, but now it makes me wonder.
A couple of weeks ago I dreamed that I was going to San Jose this summer. San Jose, Costa Rica. First of all I want you to know that this city doesn't really mean anything to me. I have never been to Costa Rica, nor do I feel like I need to, because if I had the money to travel to that part of the world León, Nicaragua would definately be my first choice. So, this city was completely random and not even very likely. But I dreamed that I was there and that I liked the latinamerican way of life (which I know I would). When I woke up I still had the feeling I was going to San Jose, but after a few minutes it hit me: I am not going to Latin-America at all, I am going to Spain! And though I am really looking forward to it and know that it will be really amazing, I felt a little sorry for myself. I am not going to Latinoamérica.
Right now that is not important anymore, I am really happy with my summer plans and I wouldn't change them for the world, but I thought I realised what the message was: I shouldn't go study in Spain after finishing my bachelor, I should go to Latin-America. For a few weeks I was incredibly sure. But what if dreams are supposed to remain dreams?
I tried to talk about my internal dilemma with my parents, but they are like 'it's two years from now, don't you worry'. I am not worrying, not at all. It is just in my head constantly because I want to know what would be the right thing to do. What would be the right continent for me to live.
Writing this sentence I realise I know the answer. The right continent is on the other side of the Atlantic. I did not misinterpret my dream. I am just scared to make the necessary sacrifices and I don't want to face the consequences it will bring yet.
But if I continue living in a dreamworld, my dream might change into a nightmare.